Working together to improve long-term care for Rhode Islanders

Our Mission

Advocates for Better Care in Rhode Island is an independent organization of people who care deeply about Rhode Islanders receiving long-term professional care. Together, we work to improve the quality of life and the care those vulnerable individuals receive, while supporting our dedicated healthcare workforce.

This includes people living in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, memory and dementia care facilities, and other types of care homes, as well as people living in their own homes who rely on licensed professionals for support with some or all of their personal care needs. The majority of people receiving long-term personal care are elders, but there are many younger people with disabilities that require this kind of care, as well.

This is not the only organization in RI concerned with the quality of institutional and home personal care, but it is the only active independent organization focused exclusively on the rights and interests of people receiving care. 

ABC-RI exists to help all concerned Rhode Islanders to effectively advocate for quality care through education, legislation, industry oversight and accountability, and reform.

New Resources:

Ways you can help:

See our regularly updated bill tracker for information about currently pending legislation affecting people receiving long-term care, as well as existing model legislation nationally.

News articles related to long-term care, and resources to learn more

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